#dishonored sims 4
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joshseoh · 8 months ago
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Emily Kaldwin Hair (Hair Commissions)
For feminine frame
Basegame compatible
24 EA swatches + 1 custom swatch
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
Specular map
Normal map
Disallowed for random
Compatible with Universal Hair Overlay
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Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
Public release: 24 May 2024
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leo-jindosh · 1 year ago
Set "Dunwall Tower" from Dishonored for The Sims 4. Part 1.
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The rotunda and the statue of the Empress are located in the "Decorations" section;
The size of the statue can be changed using a keyboard shortcut at your discretion, as well as placed on various pedestals;
The rotunda is large enough to place furniture in it and do Sims' photoshoots right in it. Please note that you need to enter a special code bb.moveobjects so that you can put other objects directly in the rotunda;
To place objects in the rotunda directly on its surface, raise the objects to a height of 6 clicks;
Unfortunately, Sims can only plausibly stay in the rotunda with the help of package poses raised to the desired height.
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Thank you for the reblogs @sssvitlanz @simbfinds @emilyccfinds
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Download - for free!
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mohohon · 1 year ago
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prepping a vampire house and what better opportunity to include some great Dishonored portraits into the mix?
Large Canvas (download)
Large Frame (download)
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bangpuddingmuffin · 2 years ago
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (Take 2)
Death of the Outsider sits between Dishonored one and two in terms of enjoyment. Just an all-around fun series.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKaKwm-YsMRt80X-L3f0LKlm
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invisiblequeen · 1 year ago
To the people who harassed this gem of a creator when they have done nothing but consistently put out good, free cc, from horse ranch countdown stuff to the BEST MALE DOLL BODY PRESET KNOWN TO MAN, to the point where they are now stepping away from the Sims CC Creator Sphere...
Shame on you. I will never forgive you.
This is why we can't have nice things.
@objuct I am so sorry these gremlins have taken your desire to mod/create out of you like this. You do not deserve this kind of stress, again, especially since you have given so much to the community without asking for anything in return. You don't deserve ugly messages and dm's from people impatient about something you have not even finished yet! it's absurd and shameful and you deserved better.
I will always be grateful to you for your CC which I proudly flaunt in my Sulani Horse Ranch, as well as the Ken Doll Preset that started a MOVEMENT in my sims save. Every Ken I make from now on will be dedicated to you.
I wish you the best on anything you do in the future, and whatever CC you do decide to drop, I will be the first to throw a party about it.
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I appreciate all your kind replies. I am definitely going to stick with this decision, the amount of stress and dread I've been getting from like just opening my patreon page daily is just not tenable.
I've unpublished the tiers, and at the end of the EA for this set, i'm gonna delete the tiers, so, no more subs. Feel free to unsub if you want, like, i'll be fine, I know I talk about it helping and it has but I'm not at risk of homelessness or literally starving to death, just life is very tight. The amount i made in that time was a huge boon to make up for the 26 days I did nothing but make free mods, and it was really appreciated. But I can't keep taking money for sims mods, the expectations being put on me by, while admittedly few voices compared to positive ones, is just very mentally taxing when you're someone in my position with my kinds of disabilities. There are people cut out for patreon and weathering those kinds of comments, but I am not one (and if you're seeing now why I'm basically unemployable, this is why. I am not mentally well, i don't do well with this kind of stress that would affect abled people not nearly as much)
I'll still be making content for the sims, but from here on out it's going to be treated like how I treat all of my other unmonetized modding ventures -- I am going to make stuff for MYSELF, and release it to you guys as an afterthought. That is the only way I can mod games in a healthy way. So it'll be likely more weird stuff like object heads, and less horse stuff since i'll just be using a lot of what you guys are making.
To everyone who has been really kind and really encouraging -- I really appreciate y'all. Keep making cute horses and CC, feel free to @objhorseccfinds with your work because I've been doing a CCfinds roundup every sunday on my patreon and I might keep doing that here on tumblr depending on how I feel.
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vermutandherring · 1 year ago
By chance do you have a list of all the cc in your builds? I'm obsessed with the old style you make but can't recreate it with my limits
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You just reminded me that some time ago I wanted to make a post where I'd share links, divided into historical/aesthetic styles. Mostly because I often can't find the original mods and their artists lost in the corners of the internet. I may come back to this idea later. I currently have about 40 GB of mods that I've been collecting since the game came out, so I'm not sure I can name absolutely everything I use. But I can give a list of those artists whose works I use in my buildings all the time.
Here we go:
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• TheJim07 (furniture, fine arts, building stuff)
• FelixandreSims (building stuff and furniture)
• ArtysSims (fine arts)
• Cliffou29 (furniture)
• Lili's Palace (furniture, building stuff)
• Anachrosims (building stuff and furniture)
• Regal Sims (furniture and fine arts)
• AnnaDeDanann Stories (furniture)
• Stereo-91 (building stuff, furniture)
• The Marble Mortal (furniture, fine arts, building stuff)
• ChâteauSims (furniture, fine arts, building stuff)
• NaviDesings (furniture, fine arts)
• Zx-ta (The Sims Medieval conversions)
• Thesensemedieval (game conversions, medieval themed cc)
• ShinoKCR (Art Nouveau - 1 | 2 | Art Deco - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | French Quarter - 1 )
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• Pinkbox AnYe (dark academia, shabby chic, cottagecore, french/provence chic, deco food)
• Kerrigan House Designs (victorian, dark academia, vintage, food/cooking deco, cottagecore, shabby chic, themed sets)
• Sims4Luxury (dark academia)
• sims41ife (different vintage objects)
•Milja Maison (dark academia) Inactive. You can find their sets on the internet
• Hydrangeachainsaw (different vintage objects)
• Lady Moriel (magic stuff/game conversions - Dishonored set 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |)
• Mara45123 (TES: Skyrim conversions)
• Etheric (Resident Evil | Devil May Cry conversions)
• Natalia Auditore (vampire, gothic)
• Syboulette (gothic, dark academia, vintage chic, themed sets)
• HyggeSims - Bruxa CC Set
• Jennisims (vintage, retro, antique decor)
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That's not all CC I use in my builds, but most of it. Some of it is maxis match, other is high poly. There are standalone objects and mods that require meshes so you must pay attention. There are many mods whose authors are inactive, their blogs have been deleted, and their collections are scattered all over the Internet so I can't share them. But you always can find interesting stuff yourself.
Hope it helps~
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rottenshotgungames · 6 months ago
No more waiting, let’s talk about what y’all are here to see
Footfall Devlog 4
This Devlog will be covering the basics of what Footfall is and the challenges of making a game so heavily inspired by immersive sims.
So, without further ado:
What is Footfall?
Footfall is an occult-industrial stealth-action rpg inspired by Dishonored and Mistborn. It aims to emulate the systemic ecosystem and emergent gameplay of immersive sims, particularly the fast, creative, movement-centric gameplay of Dishonored.
If this sounds interesting to you, the free playtest is live! You can find it on itch at https://rotten-shotgun-games.itch.io/footfall-playtest
Genre Convention
If you’re interested in Footfall I assume that you’ve played stealth-action games before: Dishonored, Assassin’s Creed, Gloomwood, Sekiro, Metro, etc. If you have, you know that there are generally two categories of stealth mechanics present in any given game
Player tools & indicators (e.g. Thief’s light gem, Dishonored’s stealth kills)
Enemy AI (e.g. The xenomorph in ALIEN: Isolation changing up their search patterns based upon your actions)
These two categories are mostly separated by longevity. Player tools and indicators focus very much on short term actions and consequences that influence the long term consequences of the enemy AI—I’m including the state of unconsciousness or death as a “long term consequence.” Because the first category tends to (mechanically) impact the second more than vice versa—and because this would be a VERY long essay if I talked about both in detail—we’re gonna be covering the player side of stealth today.
The Indicators
An Indicator in a stealth game informs the player when they’ve been spotted and/or how close they are to being spotted. Some stealth games have a few Indicators that track or reveal different things (e.g. The three lightning bolts in Dishonored tell you how aware a certain enemy is toward your presence and location, and the upgraded Dark Vision lets you see enemy Vision Cones, and guards will yelp and say things when they see a body you left behind. All three of these are Indicators). There are two general categories that Indicators fall into:
Hard Indicators—distinct visual trackers, particularly a UI element (e.g. the motion tracker in ALIEN: Isolation).
Soft Indicators—Narrative elements that convey information in a manner that is less precise than Hard Indicators (e.g. the sound made by your actions in AMNESIA: The Bunker).
While most videogames with a stealth mechanic incorporate both kinds of Indicator to some extent, TTRPGs are a bit different. The more tactical subset of this medium often attempts to provide player characters with a plethora of options for solving problems and overcoming tasks, among these being stealth—but almost every one of these games uses solely Soft Indicators. What do I mean by this? Well, think about D&D 5e’s stealth: D&D has no facing rules, no rising gauge of enemy awareness—hell the only semi-Hard indicator is light level, but that’s pointless because of the non-rarity of Dark Vision. There’s exactly two TTRPGs that I can think of which contain Hard Indicators, that being Blades in The Dark and Black Seven (both of which are really cool) but their indicators are both more long-term and therefore fall into my arbitrarily designated Enemy AI portion of stealth mechanics.
Hard Indicators are crucial to giving the player a sense of control in a stealth game, watching the numbers go up and down in direct response to your actions is the foundation of the experience (and just failing one Stealth check as a transition into full-blown combat discourages wide-spread use of stealth anyway). I decided to include two major Hard Indicators in Footfall:
Facing. This one was a no-brainer, Footfall already has a physics engine that would massively benefit from facing rules, it’s no huge leap to describe how your facing impacts your Line of Sight.
Notice. Notice is a riff on the classic stealth tracker (e.g. Dishonored’s lightning bolts, Gloomwood’s huntsman eye colors) that measures how aware nearby enemies are to your presence and actions, combined with the player-centric elements of THIEF’s light gem. This has led to a more generalized resource, measuring the awareness of all nearby enemies, influenced almost entirely by the individual player’s actions. It ranges from 0 (unnoticed) to 3 (spotted).
A consistent question I’ve gotten asked is, “Why did you make Notice a player resource, rather than something tracked by individual enemies?” Firstly, tracking that kind of resource on an enemy-by-enemy basis is hellish for a GM. Secondly, and possibly even more importantly, making Notice a player resource makes it feel like they have control over their own ability to stay hidden. If it’s a number ticking up and down on their character sheet, then it’s something they’ll pay more attention to and attempt to exercise control over/capitalize upon more readily . . . so long as they have the tools to do so, of course.
There are, generally speaking, two types of stealth-interactive tools:
Maintaining tools
Capitalizing tools
Maintaining tools help you to maintain or regain your hidden status. Think the lockers in Outcast or crouching in everything. These tools make stealth feel interactive and . . . well, functional. If you don’t have the basic ability to hide, how are you supposed to engage with stealth gameplay? The balancing act with Maintaining tools is in making them strong enough that Stealth feels viable, but not so powerful that the game becomes too easy or other options are immediately discarded. These take quite a few forms in Footfall, the most basic being Line of Sight and environmental interactions (e.g. Cover, Hidden Terrain, Darkness) that prevent you from needing to make a Stealth check or slowly reduce Notice over time. Some Gifted powers are also categorized as maintaining tools, particularly the base powers of Passage, Possession, and Shadows.
Capitalizing tools allow you to take advantage of your hidden status. The most common example is the Stealth kill/knock out. Capitalizing tools make stealth feel worth it, they’re a reward for engaging in this style of gameplay. In Footfall the only explicit Capitalizing Tool is the Coup de Grace, an enhanced Attack that’s far more likely to kill/knock out your opponent in one blow; however there are a million-and-one other reasons to maintain stealth, such as the danger of direct combat, the increased freedom of power usage, the penalties from Enemy Awareness, and the Downtime penalties from killing people (some of this will be covered in the next Devlog).
This brings us around to an underrated topic when discussing Stealth TTRPGs:
We can talk all we want about the conventions of the Stealth genre, about the specific implementations of common mechanics and mechanical types, but it’ll only ever be useful insofar that such mechanical theory informs how players interact with the game.
The end-goal here is centralization. Your stealth mechanics, where they do exist, need to impact and influence every part of rules and play. Even if your players aren’t engaged in Stealth, that decision needs to be put in context of and conversation with Stealth gameplay.
If I’m not constantly thinking about the light I’m in and the sound I’m making, I’m not playing Thief.
If I’m not constantly working to get to higher ground and hidden terrain so that I can ambush enemies, I’m not playing Assassin’s Creed.
If I’m not thinking in relation to Stealth, I’m not playing a Stealth game.
Self Promo
Hey y’all, sorry about the long wait on this one. The playtest is finally public, and we’re halfway through talking about stealth! The next devlog is gonna be about Enemies, which are a whole can of worms.
If you wanna check out my other games, and get updated when major changes come to the Footfall playtest, follow me on Itch! If you're just looking for more Footfall status updates, or want to have an impact on the design, you can always join my public Discord. If you want more devlogs, and more rpg design talk, follow me here or on twitter.
Have a great night and a great day.
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justt444myaa · 8 months ago
The444Simmer🌼💗 | Creating CC for Sims 4🌼🩷 | Patreon
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The444Simmer🌼💗 | Creating CC for Sims 4🌼🩷 | Patreon 444Babes Death B4 Dishonor Tattoo (Male)🩷🌸 T.O.U ☆ ☆Please don't upload as your own ☆Please don't edit mesh or recolor ☆Do NOT upload on ANY site without my permission
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dilfbracket · 2 years ago
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narrowing the dilfs down to a somewhat workable bracket was, by far, the one of the most nerve-rackings things we've ever done. it has kept us up for nights. bickering in the mods video call over this has ripped this family to shreds. the bracket was longer, shorter, and longer again as we pulled dilfs from the abyss to set them down into the arena. absolutely gutted that we couldn't include everybody, but if your dilf isn't on the main bracket, do not fear. we will not leave a dilf out in the cold to die without honor. they will have their moment.
the dilfs were ranked and seeded based on a very intricate rubric and vibes that included number of nominations so if you see a heavy hitter in a lower bracket than you'd expect, you've nobody but your fellow man to blame.
the first round of dilf death match arena contenders are below the cut. we'll work our way down the bracket with new polls roughly every day. first round seeds like hannibal and bob belcher get a bye week, due to their incredible energy catapulting them into top seed contention, and will not appear until round 2.
happy hunting!
p.s. some of your entries, including those that did not make the cut, shook us to our core and will forever be ingrained into our dna. congrats
Lord Asriel (His Dark Materials) vs Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals) WINNER: ASRIEL
Corvo Attano (Dishonored) vs Praxidike Meng (The Expanse) WINNER: CORVO
Hades (Hades the Game) vs Olivier Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) WINNER: OLIVIER
Iroh (Avatar The Last Airbender) vs Frank Castle (The Punisher) WINNER: IROH
Iorek Byrnison (His Dark Materials) vs Mick Rory (Legends of Tomorrow) WINNER: IOREK
FitzChivalry Farseer (Realm of the Elderlings) vs Lawrence Gordon (SAW Franchise) WINNER: LAWRENCE
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon a Time) vs Lord August Ruthven (Case Study of Vanitas) WINNER: RUMPLESTILTSKIN
Mortimer Goth (The Sims) vs Loid Forger (Spy x Family) WINNER: LOID
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Father Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) WINNER: FATHER BLACKWOOD
Lee Dong-sik (Beyond Evil) vs Dexter Morgan (Dexter) WINNER: LEE DONG-SIK
Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) vs Samuel Vimes (Discworld) WINNER: VIMES
Scott Lang/Ant-Man (MCU) vs Captain Christopher Pike (Star Trek Discovery/New Worlds) WINNER: PIKE
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice game #4) vs Davos Seaworth (Game of Thrones) WINNER: PHOENIX
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf) vs Octodad (Octodad) WINNER: OCTODAD
Rock Lee (Boruto) vs Jean Valjean (Les Miserables) WINNER: ROCK LEE
Norman (Pokemon Advanced Generation) vs Siegfried Farnham (All Creatures Great and Small 2020) WINNER: NORMAN
Waymond Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs The Mako (Mass Effect) WINNER: WAYMOND
Carlisle Cullen (Twilight) vs Piotr Rasputin/Colossus (X-Men)
Din Djarin (The Mandolorian) vs Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso) vs Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton game series)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) vs James Flint (Black Sails)
Ben Sisko (Star Trek Deep Space Nine) vs Marcus Kane (The 100)
Data (Star Trek) vs Ethan Winters (Resident Evil 8)
Geralt of Rivia (Netflix edition) vs Lan (Wheel of Time)
Columbo (Columbo) vs Kermit (The Muppets)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) vs Craig Cahn (Dream Daddies)
Dill (Easy A) vs Mr. Krabs (Spongebob)
Professor Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls) vs Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights)
Heinz Doofinshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) vs Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development) vs Ratchet (Transformers)
Thane Krios (Mass Effect) vs Lazslo (What We Do in the Shadows)
Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time) vs Li Haichao (Go Ahead)
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) vs Hugh Neutron (Jimmy Neutron)
Mufasa (The Lion King) vs Yagi Toshinori (My Hero Academia)
Shrek (Shrek) vs Frontman (Squid Game)
Eddie the Rabbit (Empires SMP season 2) vs Pastramis (Tumblr)
Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man) vs The 12th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Cliff "Robotman" Steele (Doom Patrol) vs Bowser (Mario)
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 6 months ago
2, 5, 9, 19, and 31 for the gaymer asks?
2. Top five games (I’ve already done this one but imma just redo it) -in no direct order:
1. Dishonored
2. Dishonored 2
3. Witcher 3
4. The Outer Wilds
5. Sims 4 -but only with the incredible amount of gameplay overhaul mods I have - basic sims 4 is in the lowest game tier
5. Most memorable gaming moment
When Samuel betrayed me in dishonored 1. I hadn’t seen anything about the game before I played it I did not expect to be betrayed by him, did he give me a lesser dosage so I didn’t die? yes but that makes no difference to me I will never forget the first time playing that and finding out that he was the one to poison me
9. Most hours I’ve put into a single game is i forget the total amount but the last time i checked i had over 3000hrs in the Sims 4, and sims 3 i know i put in close to 2000hrs
19. A game I wish I could play again is Witcher 3, I love that game and I find new things almost every run through but if I could wipe my memory to play it for the first time again I would in a heartbeat
31. If I could only play one game for the rest of my life it would either be Witcher 3 or Dishonored I just love them so much
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wyrmlock · 1 year ago
Various hyper-fixations of mine (in no particular order)
- Ttrpgs (Lancer, OSR, sometimes D&D)
- Horror (Dark fantasy, Gothic, Body Horror, Biopunk)
- Folklore and Myths (I was a Greek Mythology kid)
- Mad scientist and crazy wizards
- Worldbuilding
- CRPGS (BG3, Underail, Tyranny, Divinity Original Sin, Pathfinder WOTR)
- Immersive Sims (Dishonored, PREY)
- Roguelikes (The Binding Of Issac, CDDA, Nuclear Throne, Noita, Caves Of Qud, Risk Of Rain)
- Grand Strategy (Stellaris, Crusader Kings 3)
- Titanfall
- Funger (Fear And Hunger)
- TES (The Elder Scrolls, my favorite game being Morrowind)
- Fallout (New Vegas and Fallout 4)
- WOW (World Of Warcraft)
- Rainworld
- Sunless Skies
- Cultist Simulator + Book Of Hours
- Warhammer (40k and Fantasy)
- Soulsborne games (Dark Souls, Bloodborne)
- Kenshi
- Mount And Blade Bannerlord
- Slay The Princess
- Rimworld
- Risk Of Rain
- Dragon Age
- Mass Effect
- Fire Emblem (the GBA and DS/3DS games only really)
- Darkest Dungeon
- Grim Dawn
- Black Lagoon
- TMA (The Magnus Archives, The Magnus Protocol)
- Wolf 359
- The Mistholm Museum
And other things that I can’t remember. I randomly fixate on these things for a while so my blog is a mess but I will try to tag appropriately.
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leo-jindosh · 8 months ago
Madame Prudence's outfit from Dishonored for The Sims 4
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Number of colors: 27
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The outfit can be found in "full-length clothes";
Thanks to @lady-moriel and @dustyratt for helping with the model's weight settings and learning how to create clothes! It was difficult for me, but I'm learning. You are the best!
Thank you for the reblogs @sssvitlanz @simbfinds @emilyccfinds
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Download - for free!
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anonymousbimb0 · 1 year ago
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Yo ! I'm anonymousbimbo, tho for short , you can call me pip ! Some basic info -
I'm an artist, animator, writer, and content creator~♤
I'm demi-bisexual, my birthday is November 16th, im a senior, and not to brag.. tall 😈
My interests
- Attack on Titan 💙
- Castlevania 💙
- Inuyasha 💜
- Cowboybepbop 🩷
- Bee and puppycat 💜
- Across the spider-verse 💜
- Megamind 💙
- Dishonored 1 / 2 💙
- Terraria 💙
- Starbound 💜
- Stardew valley 💜💙
- Undertale 💙
- Deltarune 🩷
- Sims 4 🩷
- Genshit Impact (unfortunate) 🩷
- Mandela catalog 💙
- Horror / analog / ARG 💙💜
- Get schooled 💜
- Home sick 💜
- Clowns / jesters 💙
- My or others oc's 💙💙💙
🩷 = enjoyed / interested
💜 = like / watched fully
💙 = love / obsessed with
☆ ~ Here's some aesthetics I enjoy ~ ♤
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Arcadecore 💜💙
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Y2k (?) Earley internet 💙🩷
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Angel / 777 💙💜
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Synthwave / vaporwave 💙
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Idk?? Beachwave?? Palmwave IDK 💜
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Glitchcore 🩷
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Dark academia 💙
As u can see.. I have a lot.. and there's many more !
Some creators I look up to / am inspired by !
-Solarqwq (accounts no longer exist)
-Kelsey Animated
-Felix colgrave
DNI (obv)
Racist, anti-LGBTQ , Anti-Religion, Neo-nazi, zoophile / pedophile ("MAPs"), proshipper, lolicon, NFT punks, AI "art", body shaming , graves specifically 🍐
I AM A MINOR (be cautious), I don't put TW / CW on a majority of my content unless it's gore , SA, SH, eyestrain. I curse a lot, A majority of my humor is ironic or satire,
If you have any problem please dm me personally so we can sort things out.
Feel free to reach out or ask about anything ! I truly do not mind and you aren't bothering ! (Unless ur being fucking weird and deranged obv)
Check out other socials here ~ ♤
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first-impressions-gaming · 1 year ago
GAMING RECAP (September 19-27) Part 2
Paradox reveals new 4X game Millennia
Paradox Interactive has finally revealed its new title: Millennia. In Millennia, players will create their own nation in a historical turn-based 4X environment. From there, players will shape the nation across 10,000 years of history starting with the dawn of humanity and stretching into the future. According to Paradox, each playthrough will be unique as you craft an epic story based on your actions.
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Cute Lord of the Rings game Tales of the Shire revealed in 2024
The scourge of Cosy/Cozy Gaming has finally come for Middle-earth, and more specifically the Shire, which I guess was pretty cosy/cozy to begin with. Wētā Workshop and Private Division have announced Tales of the Shire, a "heart-warming" experience that will release on PC in 2024.
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Resident Evil 4 Remake will cost £57.99 on mobile
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Resident Evil 4 Remake is heading to mobile, but it'll cost players £57.99 to play in full.
The game's listing on the App Store has the game available for free but with in-app purchases. Scrolling down, those purchases are listed in full with "Resident Evil 4 (with bonus)" priced at £57.99.
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New Xbox Game Pass titles for console, PC and Cloud have been announced
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The following titles will leave Game Pass on September 30:
Beacon Pines (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Despot’s Game (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Last Call BBS (PC)
Moonscars (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Outriders (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Prodeus (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Weird West (Cloud, Console, and PC)
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Sony has confirmed October’s PlayStation Plus Essential games
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Confirming a recent leak, next month’s PlayStation Plus titles will include The Callisto Protocol (PS5, PS4) and Farming Simulator 22 (PS5, PS4).
They’ll be joined by action RPG and immersive sim Weird West (PS5, PS4), the debut title from WolfEye Studios, which was formed in 2019 by the creative director and executive producer of Dishonored.
PlayStation Plus members will be able to claim the games from October 3 until November 6.
Everything Revealed At The Xbox Tokyo Game Show 2023 Event
Two Ori characters are coming to Party Animals next Monday!
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy joins Xbox Game Pass on September 26th
New trailer for Palworld, hitting Xbox in 2024
A closer look at Persona 5 Tactica ahead of its November Game Pass release
New Forza Motorsport trailer with a focus on the Japanese Hakone track
Octopath Traveler 2 is finally coming to Xbox in early 2024
Altheia: The Wrath of Aferi is a fantasy adventure game "coming soon" to Xbox
Another trailer for Mineko's Night Market, already confirmed for Game Pass in October
A closer look at Persona 3 Reload ahead of its early 2024 Game Pass release
Fallout 76: Atlantic City's first update arrives December 5th
New trailer for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's next DLC launching on September 27th
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name joins Xbox Game Pass on November 9th
Like a Dragon: Ishin will also join Xbox Game Pass at some point in 2023
In-depth trailer for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, releasing with Game Pass in 2024
The Elder Scrolls Online launches in Japan with full localisation on November 15th
New PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds "Erangel" update coming in October
My Lovely Empress is an empire management sim heading to Xbox in 2024
Exoprimal Season 2 begins October 18th on Xbox Game Pass
A first look at gameplay for Hotel Barcelona from Suda51 and Swery65, arriving in 2024
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bangpuddingmuffin · 2 years ago
Dishonored 2 (Take 2)
I was hoping that playing Dishonored 2 again would give me a different perspective, and that I'd enjoy it more this time. Unfortunately, I had all of the same complaints I remembered from the first time I played it, and, especially right off the heels of playing the first one, I enjoyed it much less. Still, of course, a fun game.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKbYTH_lZX3d-x6S1OD04qON
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 years ago
sims 4 blorbo house or finish dishonored 2?
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